Submit Your Creative Works
We are currently accepting works of creative writing (including poetry, short fiction, personal essays, and creative non-fiction), works of creative visual art (interpret as you will), and multi-media submissions such as videos and audio files.

While SILO in 2023 is a reboot, much of the tradition of the journal can be seen in issues of the past. For a good idea of the theme, quality, and tradition we are hoping to establish, please take a look at the works below.

About SILO
SILO is a journal of creative writing, visual, and multimedia art that focuses on the work of students from the College of Southern Idaho and writers and artists from the surrounding region. While the region boasts more sagebrush and open land than writers and artists, we believe that the talent of our local work is shaped by a geography and way of life that results in a unique perspective that even readers outside the area will enjoy.
For questions or inquiries email Robert Mayer.